21 Foods That Boost Your Focus And Memory

5. Strawberries

Image source: www.lifehack.org
Strawberries pack fiber to clear out your insides and antioxidants to clear out any free radicals, unstable electrons that damage cells. Antioxidants, like those in strawberries, prevent damage by attaching to free radical electrons and escorting them out. Strawberries also have powerful flavonoids (plant nutrients) that are believed to help neurons transmit vital signals between the body and the brain. The flavonoids also help the neurons continue to function as we get older. Researchers found that older adults who ate strawberries at least once a month had less cognitive decline. David Grotto, a licensed dietician and nutritionist, cleverly points out that eating strawberries is SMART: Strawberry’s Marvelous Antioxidants Repair Thinking.

6. Red Wine

Image source: snobscreekvineyard.com.au

Do you know the saying, “An apple a day…”? Well, “A glass of wine a day…” might not be a bad thing either. Red wine comes from red grapes, and red grapes contain a unique antioxidant in the skin called resveratrol. It is an antioxidant that has been called the “fountain of youth” because it appears to slow down aging and help protect your brain and nervous system. Researchers at the Brain, Performance and Nutrition Research Centre at Northumbria University showed that resveratrol increases blood flow to your brain. This is a key to keeping your brain function healthy. A study done at Georgetown University Medical Center showed that red wine can even stop the progression of Alzheimer’s. Cheers.