21 Foods That Boost Your Focus And Memory

7. Turmeric

Image source: www.healthable.org

Turmeric is popular in Indian and Caribbean cuisine. This spice boasts the anti-inflammatory antioxidant, curcumin, which according to research findings may help inhibit the accumulation of harmful beta amyloids. These are amino acids that clump together in the brain forming plaques, and they are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Turmeric, with curcumin, might stop this, at least to some extent. Curcumin has also been shown to boost memory and stimulate the production of new brain cells. You can add turmeric to your eggs, rice or soup, or try mixing it in with roasted veggies.

8. Garbanzo Beans

Image source: www.bethrooneyphotography.com
Let’s look at two foods that are high in a mineral that single-handedly boosts brain power. It’s the mineral that the Director of the Center for Learning and Memory at Tsinghua University in Beijing said could enhance cognitive abilities. This mineral is good for your bones, your heart and of course, your brain, credited with improving multiple aspects of memory and learning. The mineral is magnesium, and when you eat garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, you get 28% of the daily recommended amount. If you eat hummus, a chickpea derivative, the amount of magnesium decreases to 17%.