16 Tricks To Make Mornings Easier For Moms


7. Chart It

Image source: suzyhomeschooler.com

Kids who can see a visual representation of what is expected of them, either in pictures or in words, are more likely to do the tasks. The visual helps them anticipate. It helps the focus. It helps them feel a sense of accomplishment each time they finish a task. Here are some ideas for your chart, just in case you need them: brush teeth, walk dog, eat breakfast, get dressed, and put on your shoes. (Yes, putting on shoes gets its own category, so seemingly difficult is this endeavor.) Share other tasks in the comments below.


8. Pack At Night

Image source: www.businesswire.com

When the homework is finished and any permission notes are signed, round up all the things needed for the next day and put them in the appropriate backpacks. It’s a chore, but it’s gotta get done sooner or later. Might as well get it done when you’re not racing like a maniac to catch the morning school bus or get the kids out to carpool and still make it to work on time. Doing it the day or the night before takes discipline, but you’re just tackling the inevitable at a more relaxed (albeit, probably, exhausting) time.