16 Tricks To Make Mornings Easier For Moms


9. Connect 4

Mother Sitting With Daughter At Home
Image source: www.bluntmoms.com

Not the game. Minutes. After a full night of sleeping by themselves, kids wake up craving time with their parents. This observation comes from Betsy Brown Braun, a child development and behavioral specialist and author of You’re Not The Boss Of Me. If you can give each of your kids four minutes of quality time, as impossible as that sounds, it could make for a much more manageable morning. Your four-minute time investment will likely motivate your kids to cooperate the rest of the morning instead of fighting to get your attention. (Two minutes can work the same magic, too.)

10. Give Positive Attention

Image source: www.dxv.com

Another way to avoid negative attention-getting behaviors is to notice and reward what your kids are doing. “Nice job, Joe, putting on your shirt by yourself.” “Great, Hailey, you found your shoes without Mommy’s help.” If you reward the positive behaviors with your attention, you are fostering more positive behaviors in the morning. Said differently, your kids are more likely to do what they need to do to get ready if it will make you happy. You just have to be ready with the verbal rewards and encouragement.