16 Natural Remedies For Healthy Digestion

1. Ginger

Image source: www.seriouseats.com

Ginger is a natural way to quell nausea or an upset stomach. Raw or in tea form, ginger’s chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, researchers think, but the chemicals may also affect the brain and nervous system to alleviate nausea. Another benefit of ginger is that it seems to help food leave the stomach. This is called gastric emptying, and it’s something we should all strive for. Or at least hope happens easily. One final point. Ginger also tones muscles in the intestines and stimulates the breakdown of food particles, aiding digestion and helping soothe any gas pains.

2. Turmeric

Fresh turmeric root, and ground spice - shallow depth of field
Image source: www.thenatemaxproject.com

This herb is a cousin of ginger and  is popular in Indian and Caribbean cooking. It has recently been toted for its anti-inflammatory properties that not only help people who suffer with arthritis, but also alleviate irritable bowel syndrome, control stomach acid and soothe heartburn.  These health benefits are the result of its main active component, curcumin. The World Health Organization supports the use of curcumin to treat acid reflux and atonic dyspepsia (weakening of the stomach walls). You can drop a pinch into your eggs, toss it with roasted veggies, stir it in soup or spice up tea with a touch.  However, if you are going to have surgery or if you have gallbladder issues, better to avoid turmeric.