Teen Offers To Carry Groceries, And Then…

3. A Full Shopping Cart

Image source: www.todayifoundout.com

White realized Chauncy needed more than doughnuts. So the two set off on a “fun-filled” shopping spree together. While Chauncy pulled a week’s worth of groceries off shelves, he shared his story. White later wrote about the exchange, “I was able to share in Chauncy’s life, learn his story, and for at least one night, help him with his struggle.” “One night,” White would later learn, was just the beginning…

4. Chauncy’s Story

Image source: www.fox25boston.com

He is 16 and lives with his disabled mother. He’s a straight-A student. He sleeps on the floor because their home has one sofa…and some lamps. No A/C. (Everything was recently stolen.) He aspires to own a business one day for two reasons: to employ others in his community to give them opportunities and to be wealthy to be able to buy groceries for somebody…like White was doing for him this night.