Is The Marshmallow Test A Myth?

5. The Milgram Experiment

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If you are like most people, you would follow orders! Stanley Milgram proved this in his famous 1963 experiment supposedly studying how people learn. A “teacher” (the unknowing subject) administered electric shocks to a “learner” who sat in a separate room. The “learner” was really an actor, and each time he answered a question incorrectly the teacher shocked him. The study showed that teachers would continue to send increasingly powerful volts even after the “learner” pleaded for him to stop. Every teacher sent a whopping 300 volt charge to the moaning man while two out of three went even further. Obviously uncomfortable, they still hit the 450 volt button even though the learner had fallen alarmingly silent by this point. Are we hardwired to follow orders? Or, can you break through societal “programming” as shown in the next daring situation. 

6. Would You Sit Down?

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You and a friend pay for seats to see a movie. When you enter the theater you notice there are only two seats still available, and they are in the center of an auditorium filled with mean-looking bikers. Would you squeeze through the aisle to claim the last two seats for which you paid?