Can You Spot The Foods In Your House That Can Poison You?

7. Red Kidney Beans

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Red kidney beans can wreak havoc on your digestive system if they’re not prepared properly. These beans contain a toxin that, if eaten raw, or even if eaten when not fully cooked, can cause extreme nausea, severe vomiting, and diarrhea. These are the results of eating as few as four or five raw beans! To make sure your kidney beans are not toxic, soak them in water for at least 5 hours, then use new water and boil them briskly for at least 10 minutes.

8. Mushrooms

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Do you know mushrooms? Do you really know mushrooms? Many are popular culinary delights, while many others are fatally poisonous. Best to stick with the mushrooms you know. Portobello and shitake are popular varieties that are safe. However, if you’re going to try a tasty-looking new specimen, take only a couple small bites the first time you try it to test your body’s response. Also, keep a raw sample in your fridge. . . just in case. Symptoms sometimes are delayed up to 12 hours or longer.