1 Natural Ways To Relieve Pain

Medication is a useful—and efficient—way to relieve your aches and pains as you age. But it has its downsides: expense, side effects and interactions, possible dependency, and more. Plus, it can be depressing to think that you have to take your medications in order to feel OK. What if you could get some relief from pain naturally or with simple supplements? We’ve researched and put together 11 ways for you to relieve pain without your usual medications. You can click the links in the article to learn more information about certain suggestions.

These natural pain relievers may offer you a break from the reliance on pain medication. While each method won’t work for each person, they are safe and easy to try.

1. Take An Epsom Salt Bath

A classic remedy for any muscle or joint ache is taking a relaxing bath with Epsom Salts. High in magnesium and sulfates, Epsom salts are easily absorbed through the skin to provide quick relief as they lower inflammation, reduce muscle spasms and relax tense areas. (05) Add two cups of salts to warm bathwater and soak for at least twenty minutes. Alternatively, Epsom Salts can be used in a compress to apply directly to the skin. Simply dilute two cups into one gallon of water then soak your towel for several minutes to absorb the solution.

You can also try adding essential oils to your Epsom salt bath; the kind you choose will depend on what’s causing your pain. For example choose lavender essential oil if stress is worsening an existing condition that causes pain, or apply peppermint oil if the painful site feels warm and swollen.

2. Try Instaflex Advanced

Many seniors are turning to a new supplement to help relieve joint discomfort. Formulated by renowned Doctor, David Katz, Instaflex Advanced has become the best selling joint solution product at GNC and Walgreens. Thousands of seniors across the US and Canada are enjoying joint relief everyday with it.

Studies show the premium ingredients in Instaflex Advanced are twice as effective as glucosamine chondroitin and extremely promising when it comes to targeting the root cause and providing fast relief from joint discomfort.

3. Eliminate Body Pain By Massaging Your Feet

Taking inspiration from the ancient practice of reflexology, MindInsole will massage your way to better health. The magnetized insoles will stimulate precise pressure points on the soles of your feet to relieve strains, reduce pain, and boost your energy levels. Seniors can get 50% off by using our link.

On each insole, there are 400 accupoints to target key areas of your body alongside healing magnets that will balance your body’s natural electromagnetic levels. Reduce your back pain and release harmful toxins from your body – MindInsole is just like having a massage therapist wherever you go.

4. Getting Enough Movement & Exercise

Stiff muscles due to inactivity can cause joint pain in the body or worsen conditions such as arthritis. For example, tension in the leg muscles can be responsible for added stress placed on the knees and hips, as weak muscles contributes to instability and higher risk for injuries or compensations. Regularly exercising can help strengthen and stretch the affected joints and muscles, improving circulation and often reducing pain.

Additionally, the stronger your muscles and joints become, the better chance you have of staying active without dealing with pain; this is helpful for preventing weight gain that can add pressure to sore joints. Some of the best low-impact exercises for people experiencing joint pain include swimming, water aerobics, cycling, using an elliptical, and walking or yoga if appropriate. We’ve also mentioned in other articles that: doing burst training exercises is one of the best ways to stay active almost anywhere, and with little time. You don’t have to commit to hours of traditional cardio to be active, you can start small and work on increasing flexibility, coordination and strength in weak areas. Wearing a brace or wrap around a painful joint may help as you get started, so ask your doctor for a physical therapist for advice about this approach if needed.

5. Use Doc Socks To Improve Circulation

Foot pain, no matter how much or how little it hurts, it sets a precedent for underlying health issues to come. In fact, millions of Americans have experienced foot pain related to the arch, heel, ankle, or plantar fascia.

These episodes, no matter how short or how long, can develop into chronic issues later with varicose veins also making an appearance. The wonderful team over at Doc Socks have come up with a fantastic pair of compression sock sleeves. Their new socks dramatically reduces swelling and pain in the heels. It soothes achy tired feet and helps with the circulation of blood flow.

6. If Appropriate, Weight Loss

Carrying around extra pounds puts unnecessary strain on your joints and bones. If you suffer from joint pain as well as a bone disorder, such as osteoporosis, being overweight can also accelerate bone degeneration. Even shedding just a few pounds can ease pain and may prevent against future problems. In most cases, when being overweight or obese is contributing to a health problem, experts recommend aiming to lose about 5-10 percent of your total body weight in order to see if symptoms improve. Rather than jumping from diet to diet, watch this video to find out how to lose weight without stressful dieting.

7. Use An Accupoint Device To Help Relieve Pain

t’s hard to feel young when you’re in constant pain. Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, knee pain, needing to take medication isn’t always the best solution. Especially since pain medication can be hard on your body and liver. For that reason many Americans are now purchasing a new device called Accupoint which is designed to reduce pain in the lower back, arms, and legs. AccuPoint technology is intended to block the pain signal that you feel and increase endorphins to help give you lasting relief. This drug-free alternative allows you quick and easy therapy at home, at work, or on the go. The AccuPoint Pain Relief Pad can be used virtually anywhere at any time. Simply turn it on, adjust the comfort level, and let the pain melt away like never before!

8. Practice Good Sleep Habits

Getting enough sleep is important to managing pain and promoting healing, so practice good habits to help you get a healthy amount of sleep. These include making your bedroom quiet and dark, banning electronics from the bedroom, and establishing a regular schedule for going to bed and getting up. You can read about more ways to improve your sleep by clicking here.

9. If You Suffer From Neuropathy Try This

Peripheral neuropathy, a result of damage to your peripheral nerves, often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in your hands and feet. It can also affect other areas of your body. Many times it’s caused by diabetes, but it can also result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, and exposure to toxins. Although medication might help with Neuropathy, you can also try a supplement called NerveRenew which is loaded with B vitamins and other plant extracts.

10. Get Some Sun

Just 10 minutes of sun exposure each day can help your body produce vitamin D. A study of 200 people with knee osteoarthritis found that those who got the recommended daily 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D experienced less pain than those who didn’t. Researchers believe that vitamin D helps relieve pain by helping in the absorption of calcium, which is critical to bone growth and repair.

11. Hot and Cold Packs

For immediate joint pain relief, rest the painful area and try a hot-and-cold approach to managing pain. Apply a hot therapeutic gel pack to the affected area for twenty minutes. Immediately follow up with a cold ice pack for another twenty minutes. If you can’t stand the severity of ice, let it thaw out while you are applying heat. Even a mildy-chilled pack will help bring relief to a stiff area. Try to apply ice or heat every day is possible, aiming for at least 15 minutes. Keep the area elevated if swelling is bad to reduce fluid retention.

Another helpful approach is applying peppermint essential oil and/or eucalyptus oil to spots that are inflamed and swollen. Due to their cooling menthol effects, peppermint and eucalyptus reduce heat, swelling and discomfort as it absorbs right into your skin. (06) In animal studies, these oils have been found to not only suppress pain tied to inflammatory conditions but also to decrease fluid retention (edema). Other essential oils for arthritis and joint pain include: frankincense, myrrh, orange and turmeric oils.
