See The Fifth Verse In 25 Pictures



Billy Joel’s song was #1 for two weeks and remained iconic forever. See the 5th and final verse in pictures…

1. Birth Control

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In 1960, the first oral contraceptive hit the market. It was invented by American biologist, Dr. Gregory Goodwin Pincus.



2. Ho Chi Minh


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The Vietnamese call it “The American War.” Americans call it Vietnam, or Nam if you were there. Ho Chi Minh led the Vietnamese nationalist movement in North Vietnam. He fought against the Japanese, the French, and the Americans.



3.  Richard Nixon Back Again


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In 1968, Richard Nixon won the White House. Eight years earlier, he lost to John F. Kennedy.


4. Moonshot


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July 24, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Buzz used Armstrong’s reflective visor to take this stellar selfie.


5. Woodstock


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186,000 tickets were sold for the unprecedented three-day concert on a farm in Bethel, New York. Over 400,000 people showed up. (Why was it called Woodstock? That’s the name of the town where the organizers originally wanted to hold the event, 50 miles away.)


6. Watergate


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After President Nixon tried covering up his staff members’ breaking into the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate hotel, the President was forced to resign.


7. Punk Rock



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In the mid-Seventies, a new rock genre hit the scene. Punk rock featured bands like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, and The Ramones (pictured here).


8. Begin, Reagan

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President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, met to discuss the raging civil war in Lebanon…and Israel’s security.



9. Palestine

KHAN YOUNIS, GAZA STRIP - MARCH 27: Islamic Jihad militants watch over a crowd from atop a mosque during the funeral of Haithem Arafat, 23, who was killed on Friday in clashes with Israeli soldiers, on March 27, 2010, Khan Younis, Gaza Strip. Two Israeli soldiers and at least one Palestinian militant were killed Friday, during clashes on the Israel/Gaza border. (Photo by Warrick Page/Getty Images)
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The Palestinian intifada began against Israel.

10. Terror On The Airline

War and Conflict, Terrorism, pic: September 1970, Dawson's Field, Jordan, The three highjacked jet airliners hijacked by Palestinian militants and later blown up at the former RAF,desert airstrip, The Arab guerillas had held a Swissair DC8, a BOAC VC10, and a TWA 707 which had been flown to the remote airfield (Photo by Rolls Press/Popperfoto/Getty Images)
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Palestinians hijacked or attempted to hijack 29 passenger jets over the course of a decade.



11. Ayatollah’s in Iran

Ayatollah Khomeini was mobbed by supporters when he returned from exile in the 1979 revolution that overthrew the shah. Khomeini saw Iran's nuclear program as a symbol of Western influence and had no interest in pursuing it, at least initially.
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Ayatollah Khomeini took over Iran after the Shah was overthrown, resulting in the U.S. embassy hostage crisis that lasted 444 days.


12. Russians In Afghanistan

476785 20.10.1986 Встреча советских воинов-интернационалистов, вернувшихся из Демократической Республики Афганистан. Юрий Сомов
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Proxy war. The Soviets were there to “protect” Communist interests and the rebels, supported by the U.S., fought them back.

13. Wheel of Fortune

Bonus Round Puzzle

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The game show rose in popularity to become the most successful syndicated show on TV.


14. Sally Ride


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Astronaut Sally Ride rode the space shuttle Challenger to become the first American woman to go into space.


15. Heavy Metal


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Black Sabbath (with Ozzy Osbourne) gave birth to the new genre of rock that bore groups like Iron Maiden, Megadeath, and Metallica (pictured here).


16. Suicide


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Many argued there was a connection between a rise in teenage suicides and heavy metal music. There were even lawsuits filed against certain bands.



17. Foreign Debts


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U.S.inflation grew thanks to foreign debts.


18. Homeless Vets


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Vietnam Vets found themselves on the streets, losing everything to drug and alcohol addictions.

19. AIDS


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The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) spread throughout the world.


20. Crack


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Crack cocaine, or “crack,” became the hottest street drug.


21. Bernie Goetz


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Bernhard Goetz shot four men who tried to mug him on a New York subway, sparking heated, nationwide discussions about vigilante justice.

22. Hypodermics On The Shores


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Hundreds of carelessly discarded hypodermic needles washed up on New Jersey beaches.


23. China’s Under Martial Law


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Chinese students began a protest in Tiananmen Square that lasted eight months. The military ultimately moved in and hundreds were killed.

24. Rock and Roller Cola Wars


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Pepsi and Coke took to televisions across the country with entertaining commercials in a battle to be #1.

25. I Can’t Take It Anymore!


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We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning. We didn’t start the fire. No, we didn’t light it,
but we tried to fight it.


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