8 Pivotal Tips For Small Business Owners To Maximize Business And Life (From Successful Business Owners)

5. Risk Management

Image source: http://www.ifiberone.com

Michelle Taglialatela is the founder and president of Tag, the premier brand strategy shop in Philadelphia. When she hired a bookkeeper for her growing office, he immediately began embezzling money. What he did not know is that just before hiring him, Michelle wisely told the bank to send future statements to her home address. When she reviewed the statement the following month, she saw many forged checks which resulted in the bookkeeper’s termination…and arrest. “In today’s digital environment,” Michelle says, “I would not give a bookkeeper bank login credentials. Instead, I would download a PDF of the statement, review it to ensure I recognize all transactions and provide that to the bookkeeper.” She also suggests avoiding setting up multiple users, even if they have limited user capabilities. Next, the CEO of Twitter tells us what not to avoid.