75% Of People Are Lacking Vitamin D: See If You Have One Of These 16 Signs

5. Your Bones Ache

Image source: www.nextavenue.org

Got achy bones with no apparent cause? Guess what your bones, and your body, might be missing? If you guessed vitamin D, you’re the big winner. You’ll be an even bigger winner if a D supplement ends the aches in as little as a month. The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health says that a deficiency in D can cause not only bone pain, especially in the hips, it can result in arthritis. Unfortunately, bone aches due to a deficiency in vitamin D are often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Now you know better. It could be rickets (in children) or osteomalacia (in adults), both due to a vitamin D deficiency. A conversation with your doctor and a basic blood test will let you know if vitamin D is the answer.

6. Your Forehead Sweats

Image source: www.reddit.com

This is an early sign that your body is lacking this essential vitamin. If you are sitting calmly, have a normal temperature and have no reason to perspire, yet your forehead is glistening under the incandescent lights, it could be you’re lacking something. No, not a vacation in Barbados, although that might be true. You’re probably lacking Vitamin D. A wet forehead for no reason is a classic sign of this deficiency. Newborn babies also display this symptom, referred to as neuromuscular irritability. If you have this symptom, don’t sweat it. You can increase your vitamin D by eating salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, shrimp, egg yolks, beef liver, cod and fish oil and mushrooms. But not all at once. Ewww. Now I’m sweating.