16 Ways To Reduce Cholesterol

5. Lose Weight

Image source: mydiethq.com

If you can lower your weight by as little as five percent, you can lower your cholesterol. Dropping ten percent, even better. People who are obese typically have high levels of cholesterol. If you can shed some pounds (kg), especially belly fat, you can lower your cholesterol. The first step is to evaluate your eating habits and daily routine. Where can you cut back your eating? Where can you increase your activity level? These are the first two questions with which to grapple before you begin to fight your cholesterol by battling the bulge. You can do it!

6. Go For Olive Oil

Image source: authoritynutrition.com

Research shows that using olive oil can lower “bad” cholesterol levels (LDL). Olive oil provides monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are known as “healthy” fats that combat bad cholesterol and boost good cholesterol (HDL). Olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean Diet. People from that region of the world who live on this diet live longer and have lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, compared with North Americans and Northern Europeans. Opt for olive oil on your salad instead of fatty dressings, and skip the sauce and sprinkle olive oil and herbs over your pasta.