15 Tips To Get To January 1st Without Gaining Weight

5. Weigh In

Image source: weight-body-want

Stepping on the scale a couple times each week could be just the gauge you need to know how much you can gorge that day. If you notice the number is constant from day to day (and both of your feet are on the scale), that gives you a little more freedom. If you notice your weight is inching upwards, the good news is you’ll catch it early enough to take action if you weigh yourself twice each week. Best to hit the scale before any food hits your belly, i.e. when you first wake up.


6. Breathe

Beautiful Hispanic business woman relaxing and doing some meditation at her office
Image source: www.health.harvard.edu

If the holidays stress you out, do something to control the stress because stress can lead to weight gain. (Sorry if that stresses you out.) How to control stress is an article itself, but here are a few ideas. Treat yourself to a massage or a… spa day. (Don’t you deserve to buy yourself a present?) Take a walk through nature each day or simply close the door and meditate or breathe deeply for a few moments. All of these can help you relax and in turn keep you from eating to relax.