15 Signs You Might Have Heart Disease

7. Pain That Spreads To The Arms

Image source: www.parentinginpublic.com

Pain that spreads from your chest to your arm or down the left side of your body is another classic sign of a heart attack already in progress. Sometimes, the pain might come and go. What is causing the pain? When the heart is deprived of oxygen, it sends out a distress messages throughout the nervous system. When the messages reach the brain, the brain interprets them as pain coming from the arm (or jaw, neck, or upper back. See # 16.). Essentially, anywhere from “the neck to the naval,” as one Mayo Clinic cardiologist said.

8. Swelling In Your Legs, Feet, And Ankles

Image source: www.survivalmonkey.com

Swelling is an early warning sign. If your heart does not pump blood as effectively as it should, the blood can back up in the veins. The result of this is swelling. Usually, this happens in the legs, feet and ankles. Other fluids can build up in the lowest part of the body too, increasing the swelling further, and it’s called edema. If you notice this in your lower extremities, consult with your doctor to determine the cause. If it is heart related, you might be able to prevent a heart attack.