15 Breakfast Foods You Eat That Can Ruin Your Day

2. Breakfast bars

Image source: www.brandeating.com

Read the label. Read the label. Read the label. Breakfast bars are super-convenient and neatly packaged to make eating on the run, or the drive, simple and (nutritious?). Well, that depends on which breakfast bar you buy. Read the label to find out how much sugar the bar has. Also check the carb count and the calories. But carbs and calories don’t make a bar unhealthy. Weigh them against the nutrition. Is there ample protein? (Aim for 5 grams at minimum.) Will the bar you want give you at least 3 grams of fiber to fill your belly and help your digestive track and your heart? Will you be getting some vitamins and nutrients with each bite? Or, are you eating empty calories and fillings that do little to fill you longer than your commute? Some of the bars made by the following companies are good choices: Clif Bars, Odwalla Bars, Kashi, Power Bar Harvest and Luna.