16 Tricks To Make Mornings Easier For Moms


5. Lay Out Clothes At Night

Image source: www.designpostinteriors.com

Again, we know you know this. And again, it makes the mornings so much easier, if you prefer to not dress them the night before (Re: #2). If the clothes are already picked out, then the only challenge you have in this arena is getting them on their little bodies, which is enough of a challenge. Why make it harder by leaving clothes in the closet until the pressure is on in the morning? If your child insists on picking out her clothes, she can do it the night before. Be sure to include a pep talk that this is what she’ll wear in the morning.


6. Designate Spaces

Image source: roundpenmagic.com

How many times have you run around the house like a mad woman looking for your keys? If you get in the practice of always keeping your keys (and your wallet, purse, phone, charger, etc.) in a designated place, or places, you are more than likely to find these necessities right away. You can do this for your kids’ stuff too: backpack, lunch, library books, permission slips, etc. Ann Dolin, Education Specialist and author of Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework, calls this space a “launch pad.”