14 Warning Signs You Might Have Liver Damage

5. Spider Angiomas

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Another symptom of cirrhosis are swollen blood vessels. Called spider angiomas, these affected blood vessels get their name from their spiderweb-like appearance just below the skin. When the liver fails to adequately metabolize hormones, the level of estrogen can increase causing capillaries to take on this unsightly form in 33% of cirrhosis sufferers.

6. Encephalopathy

Concept image of a lost and confused signpost against a blue cloudy sky.
Image source: www.feedyoursoul.com

The liver is constantly detoxifying the blood. But if the liver is not working properly, toxins remain in the bloodstream coursing all through the body. When these toxins reach the brain, they could cause hepatic encephalopathy—deterioration in brain function. This could result in confusion, loss of short-term memory and even loss of consciousness.