16 Early Warning Cancer Symptoms

3. Feeling Bloated or Swollen Abdomen

Image Credit: thelucyroseclinic.com.au

Persistent bloating or increased size of the abdomen can be typical symptoms of a number of cancers. Feeling bloated can cause you to feel full quickly, even after a small meal or you may have difficulty eating at all. Increased abdominal size or persistent bloating are common signs of ovarian, uterine or stomach cancer. Colon cancer can block the inside of the colon, causing progressive bloating. If the cancer is higher up in the colon, bloating may be the only initial symptom. An enlarged abdomen is common in liver cancer and can be caused by the growing tumor or the build up of fluids. If you have bloating on most days, for 3 weeks or more you need to see your doctor.

4. Thickening or Lump in any Part of the Body

Image Credit: livingwellblack.org
Image Credit: livingwellblack.org

Many cancers can be felt through the skin. These cancer signs occur mostly in the breast, testicles and lymph nodes (glands), such as in the neck, armpits or groin and may also show up as red or thickened skin rather than a lump. The most common symptom of a testicular cancer is a lump or swelling in part of one testicle. It can be as small as a pea or it may be much larger. A lump in the neck is a common symptom of head and neck cancers such as thyroid, larynx and nasopharyngeal cancer? The first symptoms of breast cancer for many women are a lump or change in the size, shape and feel of the breast or nipple. It may be accompanied by a swelling or lump in the armpit. A lump caused by cancer is usually hard, irregularly shaped and firmly attached deep in the soft tissue or under the skin and is usually not painful. If you notice a new lump or one that has grown in size it may be an early sign of cancer and should always be reported to a doctor.