Dream Symbols: 50 Common Dream Images Decoded


Others’ perception of you – Shabby clothing could mean you feel unattractive, while losing your clothing may mean you feel exposed.

A lifestyle change (if you are changing your clothes)



Depends on the color. Some common dream image color interpretations are below:

Red – Energy, power, passion, courage; also, shame, danger, sexual urges

Yellow – Happiness, harmony, intellect (in a good dream); cowardice, illness (in a bad dream)

Green – Peace, health, personal growth, wealth; on the negative side, could indicate deceit or jealousy

Blue – Tranquility, loyalty, truth, optimism, clarity; also, sadness (depending on dream context)

Black – Depends on if the dream is happy or a nightmare; indicates unconscious spiritual gifts in a good dream; and fear, death, or hate in a nightmare

White – Typically associated with purity, freshness, innocence, reawakening; conversely, symbolizes death and mourning in Eastern cultures



A symbol of the Christian faith (your own or someone else’s)

Martyrdom or great sacrifice

A burden – You have a “cross to bear”

A symbol of death or the end of a phase in your life

Foretells triumph after a great struggle


Attempt to come to terms with a loved one’s death or terminal illness, or with your own mortality

A person who is “dead to you” or not a significant part of your life anymore; person who dies in your dream may also represent an aspect of yourself that you lack

You are going through a major change or transition – Signifies an end/new beginning



Feeling afraid or subject to emotional distress (if the demon is terrorizing you)

Feeling completely helpless (if you are possessed by a demon)

Symbolizes overindulgence, ignorance, self-destruction

The “Devil” archetype



Fidelity, loyalty, friendship

A good omen (if dog is friendly)

A warning to watch out for danger (if dog is barking)

A warning that someone you trust will deceive you (if dog is snarling at you or attacks)

Also see entry for Animal


Anxieties about losing control and letting go

Fear of failure

A feeling that your life is moving in the wrong direction

Returning to consciousness (waking up)