16 Horrible Habits For Your Health You Probably Do

2. Emotional Eating

Image source: centennialmedicalgroup.wordpress.com

If you reach for the chocolate every time you feel stressed, depressed or even just bored, you could be headed for health problems. When you eat because you are trying to counterbalance an emotion, you probably won’t be reaching for fruit and veggies to chomp out your angst. Chocolate, cake, ice cream and other satisfying sweets are the typical emotional-eating fare. These self-medicating treats stimulate the pleasure center in the brain and help us to feel better. But the calories and the sugar build and can lead to weight gain and all the health issues that come with it, namely heart problems and diabetes. Instead for reaching for the Oreos, try these ways to hit the pleasure center: work out, walk, do yoga, meditate, or take a hot bath.