15 Signs You Might Have Heart Disease

3. Shortness Of Breath

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This is a common symptom of heart disease. If you have a difficult time breathing when you lay down at night, or if you need to prop yourself up with pillows to breathe easier, this could be a warning sign. The problem might be that your heart is not pumping effectively, preventing the blood from circulating properly. The blood then backs up in the vessels between the heart and lungs and can leak into the lungs. This makes the simple task of breathing a challenge. It also makes calling your doctor a priority. If you experience severe, persistent shortness of breath, call 911. Be sure to read # 13.

4. Sweating

Image source: www.wonderopolis.org

If you break out in a cold sweat and there’s no apparent reason, something is wrong. Sweating is the natural way to keep your body cool during exertion. If you are not exerting your muscles but you are sweating, it might be because your heart is working extra hard to pump blood through clogged arteries. The sweat is your body’s attempt to regulate your body temperature during your heart’s difficult workout. Clammy hands are also a sign, and night sweats are more common among women. If you experience sweating along with another sign, call 911.